Fabric Monitor Kiosk 04 offers stunning dye sub fabric images are created using the newest technology of printing equipment and processes, giving your display significance and is sure to convey corporate branding and messaging effectively and consistently on any structure. Fabric Monitor Kiosk 04 combines a lightweight aluminum tube frame with a dye sub printed fabric stretch zippered pillow slip style fabric image to create a unique and functional multimedia kiosk podium. Offered with an integrated monitor mount and fabric counter provides space for digital messaging and display, and the gently curving back panel draws the eye and is sure to enhance your exhibit display backwall.
Our Kiosks are perfect for displaying your product offering beautifully in your showroom, at a trade show or as a welcome kiosk in a lobby. Make your digital branding pop with a kiosk that is outstanding and offers a custom look and flare.
Make an incredible impression on any trade show convention floor, company or retail environment with a collection of standard kits, superior quality fabric dye sub printed displays. Our fabric structures offerings includes exhibit backwall display kits of all sizes, accessories, hanging structures and signs, to tension fabric displays and accent items, tower displays, arches and more! Check out our main page if you wish to be familiar with the vast selections.
Shop the wide range of modern, lightweight, easily-assembly exhibit displays and accessories. Kits range from compact but stunning 8ft accents as well as towering 20ft tall tower displays which are certain to make an incredible impact at any event including at a trade show or corporate meeting event. Outstanding fabric images are produced using the most modern technology for printing equipment and processes.
– Economy aluminum tube frame with spigot assembly
– Easy to store and ship
– Quick to set up
– Pillowcase fabric graphic
– Kit includes: large monitor mount, can hold32″ – 55″ monitor/ max weight 40lbs
You can review our eight different product categories here:
Fabric Structures | Mississauga and Toronto | Tension Fabric Displays (tradeshowboothdirect.com)
If you wish, watch our brief video outlining this incredible product offering here:
Formulate® Fabric Backwall, Structures, & Exhibit Kits Overview – YouTube
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